The amount of compost treated by smell was 9,600 tons, for 4 hours using our Hydrogenius equipment. It should be borne in mind that our actual treatment is the Bioremediation of waste, sludge and liquids, and the control of odour is a consequence of Bioremediating, ie, our technology is not a masker and is not a perfumer, we Bioremediate, decreasing the generation of toxic gases, and improving texture parameters and control of vectors such as flies.

The operation of the Composting Plant is the following: The sugarmill takes its waste to the plant, these are disposed in longitudinal piles which are listed and added according to the need for treatment. The piles are frequently aerated and moistened with a mechanical aerator that also has the capacity of moistening. This is done according to the need. After being treated in the biodigesters, the mud goes through two shakers where the compost is monitored to determine its degree of maturation. Once the compost reaches its ideal degree of maturation, it is loaded and taken to its final destination. Our treatment consisted of applying HyOx SuperWater treated for compost with an enzymatic mix in the tank of the mechanical aerator that applies this treated water by spraying it while aerating the compost. The control of smells improved the environment in the plant allowing both, equipment operators and control and administration staff, to do their work without the effects of bad odour, improving the environment for the workers of the plant and of the surrounding areas.