In the city of Santiago de Cali, took place the odour control of the Plant of Primary Treatment of Wastewater (WWTP) of Cañaveralejo which receives an average of 7,000 liters/second of water. The treatment was executed between June and September of 2017 with excellent results. The average amount of odour-treated sludge was of 120 tonnes per day, but it should be borne in mind that our actual treatment is of Bioremediation of sludge and fluids, and the control of smell is a result of bioremediating, ie, our technology is not an odour masker nor a perfumer. We bioremediate, decreasing the generation of toxic gases, and controlling vectors like flies, allowing these sludges to be used for revegetation and reforestation.
The operation of the WWTP when it comes to the sludge is as follows: the sludge after being treated in the biodigesters, goes to two agitators where the odour control is applied, then it is dried with press filters, and it is taken by a conveyor belt to the storage where it is loaded and taken to its final destination. Our treatment consisted of applying HyOx SuperWater treated for compost with an enzymatic mix in the agitators, a micropulverizer with which a cloud of HyOx SuperWater was applied in the conveyor belt.
The control of odour improved the environment of the Dehydration Area and of the Storage Area, allowing both, the operators of the chargers and of the dump trucks, to do their work with the windows open; and improving the environment of the plant workers and of the surrounding neighborhoods.